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More people are taking steps to cut their individual carbon footprint

By Paul Baxter, 26th July 2024

Category: Environment

Growing awareness of climate change and its environmental impact is driving a significant shift towards more sustainable living practices. According to our recent research amongst British consumers, nearly four in five adults (78%) are actively taking steps to reduce their carbon footprints.

The most commonplace measure being taken in the commitment to sustainability is recycling and opting for reusable products to minimize waste, which 61% of respondents claim to be doing. Dietary changes are also on the rise, with 24% reducing their consumption of meat and dairy.

One noteworthy change is evident in transportation choices. According to our research, 35% of people are now using public transport instead of their cars for short journeys. This shift not only reduces individual carbon footprints but also alleviates traffic congestion and decreases urban pollution.

Another significant finding is that nearly one in ten (9%) have switched from petrol or diesel cars to electric or hybrid vehicles. This transition marks a crucial step towards reducing emissions from one of the largest sources of greenhouse gases—personal vehicles.

Efforts to reduce carbon footprints extend into homes, with many implementing energy-efficient solutions. Leading the way, 78% of respondents have double-glazed windows, and 70% use energy-efficient lighting like LED bulbs. Loft insulation is also popular, with 62% opting for this measure to enhance energy efficiency.

Less common but growing in popularity are solar panels and heat pumps, with 14% and 4% of respondents incorporating these renewable energy solutions into their homes.

By making small, everyday changes, such as opting to take public transport where possible instead of getting in the car, people are collectively making a significant impact on reducing global carbon emissions.

However, we also recognise that driving is a necessity for many individuals which is why we designed our car insurance policies for environmentally conscious drivers. Our policies cater to motorists who need to drive but are also committed to reducing their personal carbon footprint as every mile driven is offset using a range of carbon offset projects which are assessed for their carbon and environmental effectiveness as well as the social impact on the people and communities where they are based.