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Remote Work and Its Impact on Brits

By Paul Baxter, 20th September 2024

Category: The Green Insurer

Working from home can be a contentious issue. Just this week Amazon has told its employees to get back in the office, whilst the Government is recommending that teachers should be allowed to work from home more in an effort to boost recruitment.

Since the Covid-19 pandemic, remote working has become a staple of British life, with millions of people continuing to embrace it long after lockdowns ended. According to our new research a third of Brits now work from home more than ever, and for 5%, it's become their full-time routine. The pandemic completely shifted how and where we work, and for many, there's no going back.

In fact, one in five Brits (20%) would rather quit their job than lose the option to work from home. That’s a huge number! Another 43% would try to negotiate a compromise, and a small percentage (5%) would even consider legal action if forced back into the office. For others, going back to the office might be a bit of a struggle, but 21% said they'd reluctantly accept it. The research shows only 12% of remote workers would actually welcome a full return to office life. The rest are more than happy working from the comfort of their homes.

Speaking of comfort, it turns out home workers have taken some liberties with their work-from-home attire and routines. A fun stat from the research revealed that 34% of people have attended an online meeting in their pyjamas! And they’re not the only ones bending the rules. Three in 10 workers admit to squeezing in personal tasks during work hours, like hitting the gym or running errands. Some people even wake up, send a few early-morning emails, and then go right back to bed. On the flip side, 42% of home workers claim they haven’t strayed from typical office behaviour at all and there are certainly many businesses that have found working from home employees are just as productive and moreover are less likely to move jobs as a result.

While working from home has clearly been a win for many, it’s also helping to reduce car usage. The study found that 74% of commuters rely on cars to get to work, with fewer people using public transport or walking. Fewer cars on the road is a big plus for the environment, and it’s something that companies like ours are paying attention to. We offer eco-conscious car insurance policies aimed at drivers who want to reduce their carbon footprint – especially those who still need to drive but want to do so more sustainably.

All in all, the pandemic has reshaped our working lives, and for many, remote work is here to stay. Whether it's saving the planet or saving us from putting on a suit to do a meeting, the shift has been profound!