Train and other non-car journeys marked as car trips
By Paul Baxter, 19th September 2023
Category: app
If you have taken a train journey, there are occasions when this can show in your app as being in your car.
Why does this happen?
All trips are recorded on your phone and then transferred to our system before they appear on the app.
Sometimes the trip can start recording after you have started to move. This is because your phone has not noticed the motion at the start of the journey. If, when it starts recording, the train line is close to a road, your phone may “snap” your position to the road. If the train then follows closely to roads after that, the journey can be recorded as a car trip.
It is also possible that this can happen in other situations, like an aircraft taxiing on the runway. We do identify most of these trips as off-road, in which case they are not recorded on your app, but occasionally one may slip through the net.
What do I do if I have an incorrectly recorded trip?
It’s easy to correct these trips in your app. You go on to the trips page and mark the journey as “Not driving”.
Need help?
If you need help with this or any other issue, you can contact us using our Live Chat, or by calling: 01727 222 777.